In my career I have seen a lot of teens with ADHD, anxiety, depression and just an over all lack of coping skills. I felt like the world of therapy was missing something. It was around that time I stumbled upon some articles on diet and its affect on behavior and mental health. I thought how many kids are being affected by food? I thought about the times when I would see clients in programs drinking energy drinks all day long then completely being filled with rage and punching holes in my office walls. I looked at their sugar filled diets lacking protein and any form of nutrients.  I went back to school to get  a certificate in health coaching and in that process I learned about how our gut affects our mood. Fast forward to today and there is plenty of research to show that our brains chemicals are manufactured in our gut and our food directly affects our gut health. It finally all made sense and I now have an integrative approach. I use traditional psychotherapy but also examine what a client is eating, how are they sleeping, what are they doing to combat stress, and what their screen time is. After receiving my certificate in health coaching I went on to receive certificates in hypnotherapy and DBT (dialectical behavior therapy). I am able to pull from all to help my clients. I take a holistic approach with client care and due to that I now see clients greatly improve.